Here we see what Satan will do

Hello brothers and sisters! Before we begin, 

let us a pray as a family! 

Dear Father in heaven! Hallowed be thy name! Praise Glory and honor be to you always and forever! We thank you for being who you are always, and for everything you do for us, and provide us daily & constantly. And thank you for your protection as well. 

We confess our sins against you and others. We pray for forgiveness of our sins, and we here by repent of all our sins in Jesus' name! Please help those that are in need around the world, and to please bring about your plan for our lives. As your ways, thoughts, and plans are far better and far more perfect, and higher than ours. Please help awaken those in the dark and that are lost so that no one perishes. Thank you Father! We believe and have faith we received what we asked for. We say this now in the Mighty, Holy, name of which there is no other name by which we must be saved! In Christ Jesus our Lord & Savior's name we pray! Amen!

Here we see what Satan will do. Now he won't be doing it in an obvious way. He will be doing this in the Form of The Anti-Christ. And he will get started after the false covenant is confirmed please turn with me to the book of Daniel, ( Daniel 9th Chapter verse 27 ) and when the 3rd temple is rebuilt and this is the same temple where the antichrist will be sitting at the temple of God. Please turn with me and read ( Daniel 11th Chapter and verse 31 ). We have to remember when he shows up, he will do so and disguise himself as the long awaited savior the world has been waiting on. After all Satan disguises as one of light ( 2 Corinthians 11:14 )  We must not be fooled by it. And when the temple is rebuilt he will sit himself down at the head of the temple and claim to be God. Please turn with me and read ( 2 Thessalonians 2nd Chapter and verse 4 ).

So we must as a family in Christ and as Children of The Most High expose Satan and his army of demons in every way we can. And yes with the antichrist will come the mark of the beast system that will be enforced as we read in ( Revelation 13th Chapter verses 16-18 ). As we want to make sure that we can prevent God's children from turning away from God and saving them from an eternity in the lake of fire. As mentioned in ( Revelation 20:15 ).

So point being we must prepare now and be ready for the final stage of the end times and the grand climax of human civilization to take place. When it does the biggest and final countdown will begin.

If have not done so yet please get baptized in the name of The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit ( Matthew 28:19-20 ). In the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins ( Acts 2:38 ) but only if are truly repentant. And the Laying On Of Hands ( Acts 2:38 ).

And yes the ABC's of salvation will be back as I didn't want to make this too long and unreadable.

Have a blessed day all! Much love and hugs for all of you! 

The return of Our Lord Savior Jesus Christ will happen soon! Are you truly ready for that? Remember God knows who is and is not.

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