The Different types of Pride:

 Hi! Hope all my brothers and sisters are doing well and blessed richly!

The different types of pride:

James 4:6


Did you know there is one type of pride that is not sinful, and type that is.

The type that is not sinful is the type where you are really happy or thrilled over something we accomplished.

Let us note ( and read this carefully ). This type of pride in something we do or did is not and I repeat not a sin provide we acknowledge and believe God designed & created us with the ability to do that good deed or whatever the good thing we did is.

The type of pride that is sinful goes as follows, and these are just examples:

1. I don't need God in my life, I'm the captain of my own-ship, Looking down on others and acting like you are far more superior to others, or how about this one, Jesus needed to pray but I do not. These are just some examples of sinful pride.

Now what does God have to say about this in His word? Turn with me for a moment if you will to (James 4:6 ). As it talks about how God resists the proud.

However one can fix that, one can fix that by submitting to God, and resisting the devil, causing Him to flee (James 7:4).

Now you may ask well where did this type of sinful pride come? This type of pride has come straight from the devil himself, as it talks about the I wills that satan himself said in his heart, turn with me to ( Isaiah 12:14 ) which is clear example of satan rebelling due to the sinful pride thinking he was better than God or that He could match God. But I have great news for those that have the sinful type of pride.

Go to somewhere private, talk to God prayer, approach Him with thanksgiving ( Philippians 4:6 ).

Confess your sin or sins today before the Lord ( 1John 1:9 ), and repent.

As He will joyfully and happily embrace you and I promise you He will lavish His love mercy and grace upon you in every way shape or form He knows is right.

I urge anyone that has not sought Jesus as their Lord & Personal Savior to please do so today as I promise you it will be the best decision you ever make. And to please Ask God for forgiveness of your sins and accept His grace and the gift of eternal life that He strongly desires to give you. And to please be in surrender to His will.


Dear Father in heaven thank you for everything you do for us, which is far more than we know and for those that read this I pray that they will let you transform them and help them in their walk with you, just as you are doing with me.

Please help us in these hard times in what way & time you know is  best.

Thank you Father! In Jesus name! Amen!

God bless you more. 

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