The day of wrath and hell

 Good blessed & joyous day/evening to all my brothers and sisters around the world. 

Please always pray for our brothers and sisters around the world as well as those in darkness.

The day of wrath and hell:

Did you know there is a day that God is going to destroy this world, and God our Father will deal with sin and wickedness. 

I urge you to read the Book of ( Revelation 16 verses 1-21 ) where it talks about all the bowls of fury God has against this wicked sinful world. So I invite you to turn there and read that so you can see how much God has always hated and will always hate all sin and wickedness. 

But see this is why God out of pure love, and mercy has provided a way to escape this day of judgement as well as the white throne judgement as we read in ( Revelation 20 verses 11-15 ) And so i urge you to read that to. But as I was saying through faith and an abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. God has provided an opportunity of a lifetime to be in the Lamb's book of life and to obtain eternal life so that His saints can live forever with Jesus Christ. Turn with me and let's read ( Romans 6 verse 23 ) which reads, ( 23 ) " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." And so what we see here is we need to have faith in Jesus Christ, and all He did to redeem us. We need to have obedience, and a true abiding relationship with Jesus Christ in order to obtain that and escape eternal separation from God.

Now you may ask why would God who claims to be loving throw anyone in hell? Well let's clear that issue up here and now. God doesn't put anyone in hell. People put themselves there through their choices. 

The thing is God isn't going to force anyone to comply to His will and plan for our lives, whatever choice we make He will respect that, but we should note God didn't intend anyone to go to as hell was intended for satan and his demons. 

Now how we know God doesn't want anyone to perish? Well ( 2 Peter 3:9 ) says " God is not slack concerning His promises, as some count slackness but is patient to usward that nobody should perish but for all to come to repentance." So confess your sins today as ( 1 John 1:9 ) tells us as God cannot allow unrepentant sin into heaven, and truly repent as everyday we are alive the flesh wars against the Spirit and the Spirit wars against the flesh as ( Galatians 5:17 ) tells us. So surrender your heart to Jesus Christ and let God through His Holy Spirit work in you, and ask Him to help you be more like Jesus today.

And Father we thank you each and everyday you awaken us and help us to be more like your Son Jesus each and everyday. We ask Father you may please awaken and help those in darkness to see their need for Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior, so that they to can be part of your Family and have eternal life. Please help us as only you can in your way and in your time through each and everyday, so that your plan can come to pass, and if we are heading in the wrong direction please help us to realize it and guide us back down the road that leads to life and into your loving arms. In Jesus name! Amen!

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